Παρασκευή 7 Ιουνίου 2013

Mediterranean Sea without borders!

How it looks like from the satellite the Mediterranean Sea without borders...
How it looks like if we could end the wars and live as a real humanity to our birthplaces and not only.
If we could live with no fear for our future.
If we could live with free energy ending the poverty and everyone of all of us can visit every place of the world, living our own Odyssey until to find our Ithaka.
With human equality.
Without errors that lead to terrors and scare our souls.
Without fundamentalism and especially the religious.
Can you see the blue of the water?
Can you see from that distance where exactly we are standing the human creatures and where the humanity is going, if we cannot stop the circle of the blood?!
A circle of the blood very violent and very different than the other times.
Do you still remember that two world wars began from the Balkans and terrible holocausts had happened?
Do we really want to make a real Peace to the World, or each of us afraid what will lose from the present situation?!.
Do we really want the evolution of the human kind to the upper level?!
Or do we really believe in the deepest of our most secret thoughts, that in the end it could be only one? One generation, one race???!!!...
Closing this simple thought that began just to upload a simple photo with no comments, some of you will think that I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one.
For a fair and peaceful World.