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Και ποιος είμαι εγώ που γράφω όλα αυτά; ~ Κανένας. And who am I writing all these? ~ Nobody.
Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου
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Σάββατο 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2012
Homeless and Hungry.... Άστεγοι και Πεινασμένοι....
Δευτέρα 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2012
Hellas , December 03, 2012
Facing the December 6… Who’s our real enemy?!!
We might
live and face these terrible scenes again on the
upcoming December 06, 2012. And the Hellenic
Society’s rupture will go deeper to abyss and chaos. And that burnt policeman
from the molotovs, is just a young man that his monthly basic salary is the
astronomic amount of #280# EURO!!!...
And he’s that person from the childhood living, who’s taught how to improve the community and
was dreaming for a different world… But now on, he’s learnt how to fight against
the community that he breathes and
lives!!! How to fight his dreams with
weapon his worst nightmares becoming now a fearful reality...
Who’s our
real enemy??? Why can’t we see it???
Is that me
or is that you or is that all of us???!!!
Just think
and open your mind!!!....
with the words from the Scorpions favorite song,
I’ m still living for tomorrow!!!
With honour
and reflection
Avellas N.
Associate Consultant of Tempe ,
Hellene Policeman, Makrychori-Larissa-Hellas
Translation at Hellenic (greek) language
Ατενίζοντας την 6η
Δεκεμβρίου. Ποιος είναι ο πραγματικός εχθρός μας;!
Την ερχόμενη 6η Δεκεμβρίου του έτους 2012
ενδέχεται να ζήσουμε και να αντιμετωπίσουμε ξανά αυτές τις τρομακτικές σκηνές .
Και η ρήξη της ελληνικής κοινωνίας θα κινηθεί πιο βαθιά στην άβυσσο και στο
χάος. Και ο εικονιζόμενος φλεγόμενος
αστυνομικός είναι απλά ένας νεαρός άνδρας, ο οποίος πληρώνεται με το μηνιαίο
βασικό μισθό του αστρονομικού ποσού των
#280# (διακοσίων ογδόντα) EURO!!!...
Είναι αυτός που στα παιδικά του χρόνια διδασκόταν πώς να
βελτιώσει την κοινωνία και ονειρευόταν έναν αλλιώτικο κόσμο και τώρα πια έχει
μάθει πώς να πολεμάει απέναντι στην κοινωνία αυτή και τα όνειρά του, που και ο
ίδιος διαβιεί και ζει!...Πώς να πολεμά τα όνειρά του με όπλο του τους
χειρότερους εφιάλτες του να γίνονται φρικτή πραγματικότητα!!!
Ποιος είναι ο πραγματικός μας εχθρός;;; Γιατί δεν μπορούμε
να τον δούμε;;; Μήπως είμαι εγώ ή μήπως εσύ ή μήπως όλοι μας μαζί;;!!!
Απλά σκεφτείτε και ανοίξτε το μυαλό σας!!!....
Κλείνοντας με στίχους από ένα
αγαπημένο τραγούδι των Scorpions,
I’m still living for tomorrow!!! Ζω ακόμα για το
Ελλάδα, 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2012
Με τιμή και προβληματισμό
Αβέλλας Ν. Μιχαήλ
Αν. Δημοτικός Σύμβουλος Δ. Τεμπών Λάρισας – Αστυνομικός –
Μακρυχώρι Λάρισας
Σάββατο 24 Μαρτίου 2012
25η Μαρτίου 1821. Η προσέγγιση του μέλλοντος μέσα από το αίμα των ηρώων του χθες. March 25, 1821. The approach of the future through the blood of the yesterday’s heroes.
March 25, 1821.
The approach of the future through the blood of the yesterday’s heroes.
1821, 2012. Anniversary of the Greek Revolution, slavery and humiliation of 1821 are getting married with the degrading image of 2012 and the 'lazy and useless Greeks'. Pictures from the past, faded photos of heroes, and here at now we are imagining the future with dull misery, confusion and insecurity in the darkness of the cave of Plato. Living in perhaps that will happen tomorrow and in the fear that awaits us later! Looking back now faintly the Thourios of Rigas Feraios and we have almost forgotten his vision. The blood of heroes from the beginning of the race of the Hellenes (Greeks) to haunt the depths of our souls, because it hasn’t found yet his redemption and vindication.
Living with the hate and the anger of the people, the arrogance of nothing and the egomania in spite of para- politics – para-states -para-religious and hecklers. Living with the fear not to be judged, you were driven to be idle.
Living without life, you’ re became a living dead on the walls of your house and in the pleasure of your living tomb. Living without ideals, you are now begging for loans. Living in moving to the nowhere, you lost your compass and you’re going to the cliff. Asking for the God's hand to come to pick you up, but you were caught from elsewhere and this will take you down!
And now how you wonder for all those that you are lagging as opposed to other nations, when you're the one who will be greeting with applause for the sake of bread and spectacles?
Where did they go and did they burry the dreams and the blood of our heroes for independence and free life, despite the forty years of slavery and prison??? Where did they go all these sacrifices for almost two hundred years? Where did they lose all this fights in the intrigue and in the struggles of our people, and we almost were in great danger not ever released? Where did they go the alleged extortionate borrowings for the Revolution, which stopped at the pockets and the pouches of the contracting members in the name of the Nation? Where did the Philhellenic expeditionary force go lost in the name of the ancient Greek beauty and led like a sheep to slaughter in the Battle of Peta? Where did the ancient statues go, which you Hellen (Greek) fighter you were selling just to fill your pocket and your pouch? - You said: We have more ... We will dig and find others to sell ... - And you wonder, and you are begging for the return of the everywhere’s on the planet ancient sculptures, when you gave them with your bless! When you can not protect today and the thiefs are grabbing them inside the museums at the midday of a day. You look like the mother who sold her child and now is crying with black tears for her visceral who never knew and now she wants it back.
Where did the international name go, that inside the borders you are Hellenes, and outside in the rest of planet you're Greeks. This country Hellas that is called or is it the Greece with her greeklings slaves?
Why do you wonder when you imprisoned the liberator Kolokotronis and not only him, then you released him at once just to liberate you and after he liberated you, you imprisoned him again and rotted him in prison, because you didn’t like the way that he thought! Why are we looking to correct the mistakes of the near past, even when we know that the foundations of the modern Hellenic (Greek) state were placed in the wrong way and with rotten materials?
Why does the entire planet wonder that Hellas (Greece) does not fall? Be cause even all the foundations have been decayed and wrong, but the joint that shook and dishes is the blood soiled the ground and has the roots in the Immortal Tree of Liberty, Life and Independence! The General Makriyannis said that: "And even our luck is always just a few Hellenes (Greeks). That's from the time’s beginning till the end, from the ancient years until now, and all beasts fight us to eat and they cannot win us. They eat from our lives but therm is always a yeast. And the few Hellenes decide to die. And when they make this decision a little times they lose and a lot of times they win!".
With these last words, I am calling you Hellas (Greece) to believe to yourself, do your internal mental revolution and climb to the stairs of the immortal glory for one last time!
On reflection, honour and faith
Michail N. Avellas
D. Associate Consultant of Tempi – Hellene Policeman – Makrychori, Larissa, Greece
March 25, 1821.
The approach of the future through the blood of the yesterday’s heroes.
1821, 2012. Anniversary of the Greek Revolution, slavery and humiliation of 1821 are getting married with the degrading image of 2012 and the 'lazy and useless Greeks'. Pictures from the past, faded photos of heroes, and here at now we are imagining the future with dull misery, confusion and insecurity in the darkness of the cave of Plato. Living in perhaps that will happen tomorrow and in the fear that awaits us later! Looking back now faintly the Thourios of Rigas Feraios and we have almost forgotten his vision. The blood of heroes from the beginning of the race of the Hellenes (Greeks) to haunt the depths of our souls, because it hasn’t found yet his redemption and vindication.
Living with the hate and the anger of the people, the arrogance of nothing and the egomania in spite of para- politics – para-states -para-religious and hecklers. Living with the fear not to be judged, you were driven to be idle.
Living without life, you’ re became a living dead on the walls of your house and in the pleasure of your living tomb. Living without ideals, you are now begging for loans. Living in moving to the nowhere, you lost your compass and you’re going to the cliff. Asking for the God's hand to come to pick you up, but you were caught from elsewhere and this will take you down!
And now how you wonder for all those that you are lagging as opposed to other nations, when you're the one who will be greeting with applause for the sake of bread and spectacles?
Where did they go and did they burry the dreams and the blood of our heroes for independence and free life, despite the forty years of slavery and prison??? Where did they go all these sacrifices for almost two hundred years? Where did they lose all this fights in the intrigue and in the struggles of our people, and we almost were in great danger not ever released? Where did they go the alleged extortionate borrowings for the Revolution, which stopped at the pockets and the pouches of the contracting members in the name of the Nation? Where did the Philhellenic expeditionary force go lost in the name of the ancient Greek beauty and led like a sheep to slaughter in the Battle of Peta? Where did the ancient statues go, which you Hellen (Greek) fighter you were selling just to fill your pocket and your pouch? - You said: We have more ... We will dig and find others to sell ... - And you wonder, and you are begging for the return of the everywhere’s on the planet ancient sculptures, when you gave them with your bless! When you can not protect today and the thiefs are grabbing them inside the museums at the midday of a day. You look like the mother who sold her child and now is crying with black tears for her visceral who never knew and now she wants it back.
Where did the international name go, that inside the borders you are Hellenes, and outside in the rest of planet you're Greeks. This country Hellas that is called or is it the Greece with her greeklings slaves?
Why do you wonder when you imprisoned the liberator Kolokotronis and not only him, then you released him at once just to liberate you and after he liberated you, you imprisoned him again and rotted him in prison, because you didn’t like the way that he thought! Why are we looking to correct the mistakes of the near past, even when we know that the foundations of the modern Hellenic (Greek) state were placed in the wrong way and with rotten materials?
Why does the entire planet wonder that Hellas (Greece) does not fall? Be cause even all the foundations have been decayed and wrong, but the joint that shook and dishes is the blood soiled the ground and has the roots in the Immortal Tree of Liberty, Life and Independence! The General Makriyannis said that: "And even our luck is always just a few Hellenes (Greeks). That's from the time’s beginning till the end, from the ancient years until now, and all beasts fight us to eat and they cannot win us. They eat from our lives but therm is always a yeast. And the few Hellenes decide to die. And when they make this decision a little times they lose and a lot of times they win!".
With these last words, I am calling you Hellas (Greece) to believe to yourself, do your internal mental revolution and climb to the stairs of the immortal glory for one last time!
On reflection, honour and faith
Michail N. Avellas
D. Associate Consultant of Tempi – Hellene Policeman – Makrychori, Larissa, Greece
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